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Saturday, April 9th and Sunday, April 10th, ath the Bocconi University has been held by Alessandro Vergendo and his team the first Freediving Mental Training Course, dedicated to freediving high level athletes and coaches.
The Course has been attended by fin swimming world champion Stefano figini and his coach, SDA professor Daniela Travella, Angelo Sciacca, freediving world vice-champion and our Bocconi Sport water sport technical referent and Carlo Altomonte, Bocconi professor, freediving athlete and Bocconi water sport Responsible.

The Course focused on cognitive neuropowering and the educational and training approach for well-being and empowerment, that follows the scientific evidence of neuroscience, facilitating the expression of talent and providing the appropriate tools for working with teams.

The first theoretical module focused on the latest developments in neuroscience, applied to the attentional focus / self-awareness. The theoretical part was then followed by the practical part in the amazing olympic swimming pool of the Bocconi Sport Center, in which various exercises were tested, then repeated also in the morning of the following day.
The two days ended again in the classroom, with the systematic structuring of the training course for its replicability with other users.